Spark Properties specializes in acquiring high-potential real estate Portfolios, which can range from a single property with multiple buildings to multiple properties in one package across different markets. We focus on assets with strong value propositions and significant upside potential throughout the United States. Our focus is nationwide, including secondary and tertiary markets. With extensive experience in both buying and operating real estate, we have a proven track record of executing transactions efficiently for sellers.
Portfolio Acquisition Criteria:
Spark Properties is open to any major MSA, secondary and tertiary market.
Asset Classes: Retail shopping centers with multiple buildings/parcels, industrial, and office portfolios
SF: 20,000 – 500,000 Square Feet
Deal Size: $1,500,000 – $50,000,000 or Above
Occupancy: Any
Number of Buildings/Markets: Any
Please send any opportunities to: acquistions@sparkpropertiesgroup.com or reach out to Jordan & Mason
Contact us.
(405) 706-8797
3140 W Britton Rd Ste 204
Oklahoma City, OK, 73120